About Me

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SAHM of 3 wonderful kids, one brilliant one Asperger Syndrome. This is not a living shrine to his disorder, but rather a place to share & discuss the different challenges that came with it and other things about parenting & life in general.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Finally, all grown up?

College orientation done.
Now we wait.
I planned his birthday, it ended us in NY City. A place he wanted to go to school.

After orientation we head to the big apple
We had to do this, actually, I had to do this.

Yes, we were from the country. Met his 18th birthday at Time Square

Of course, aspie side of him just could let go of visiting the museum

After two days, reality sets in. Time to go back home.
Back home to Hawaii
To see the Sunset

And get ready to meet the future.

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